Thank you for purchasing Voyager, the Dynamic Sky Simulator for the Amiga. We expect this new version to set the standard for astronomical software on the Amiga. Many of the new features are the result of user suggestions. In using the program, you may think of some new features or improvements that you would like to see. Please send your suggestions to us. If you find a bug, let us know about that as well.
This disk contains several demo files that reside in a Demo drawer inside the Voyager drawer. We thought it was a good idea to put a few interesting demos where a novice user might look to get started right away. Access them through the "Load Settings" submenu.
******** Voyager Data Extensions Installation **********
Installing Data Extensions is easy with a hard disk. Just copy ALL Data Extension files into the SkyData drawer inside the Voyager drawer. This can be done by dragging the icons or using the copy command.
************** Voyager Data Extensions *****************
The following items are available as optional extensions for Voyager. Additional items may become available in the future. Let us know what you want to see. There should be an Order Form in the Voyager box. If you prefer, you may call in your order Mon-Sat, 10-6 pacific time. Contact Carina Software, 830 Williams St., San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 352-7332.
Data Extension 1 - This disk contains stars from magnitude 6.5 to 7.5 and about 3000 additional deep sky objects. It brings the total number of objects in the program to about 30,000. You will need 1.5 megabytes or more to use this data. Performance on a stock 500, 1000, or 2000 is acceptable. This Extension is recommended for everyone who wants more data. Price - Now included in Version 1.1
Data Extension 2 - This disk contains stars from magnitude 7.5 to 8.5. It requires a 2 megabyte machine and a hard disk to access the data. Performance on a stock 500, 1000, or 2000 is marginal and we recommend an accelerated machine, although a math co-processor is not needed. Performance is a relative concept and Voyager is fast compared to other astronomy programs, even with the extended data. It will work on the slower machines if you are willing to wait. Price $25.00
Data Extension 3 - This 2 disk set contains stars from magnitude 8.5 to 9.5. It requires a 2 megabyte machine and a hard disk. A 68020/030/040 is stongly recommended. While it will run on a 68000 machine, performance is very slow except in small fields of view. On an A3000 however, it is very fast - comparable or faster than several popular PC programs on a 486. Price $30.00
Buy Data Extensions 2 & 3 for $45.00.
Note that prices can change and new products can be added to the list. If this document appears old, or if you just want to be safe, call for current pricing and availability before sending in an order.
Image Set 1 - This 2 disk set contains IFF images from various NASA missions to the planets. This set includes some of the images in the Image Sampler contained in the Voyager package. Price $18.00
Image Set 2 - This 2 disk set contains IFF images of various clusters and nebula in the Milky Way. Original photographs from Kitt Peak and Hale Observatories. Price $18.00
Image Set 3 - This 2 disk set contains IFF images of various galaxies and other interesting objects. Original photographs from Kitt Peak and Hale Observatories. Price $18.00
Buy three Image Sets for $40.00. Buy any two Image Sets for $30.00.
Note that prices can change and new products can be added to the list. If this document appears old, or if you just want to be safe, call for current pricing and availability before sending in an order.
*** Using Image Disks ***
Voyager Amiga Version 1.1 now supports viewing pictures within the program with sufficient RAM and a hard disk. You need 1 meg of chip and 1.5 meg of total RAM to do this. A new directory is necessary called SkyPictures. The SkyPictures directory is usually within the Voyager Drawer on your hard disk. It may be placed elsewhere if you make an ASSIGN and delete or rename the SkyPictures directory from the Voyager Drawer. Consult the manual for further info.
The Image Disks may still be viewed with a viewer program. You will need a program which will load and display IFF hi-res and HAM images. There are many programs which will display these images. We have used DeluxePaint IV, DigiPaint III, Spectracolor, and DiskMaster, among others.